Hi All,

Apologies if you’ve been waiting to hear back about a booking form, I’ve been a little disconnected from tattooing the past couple months, working on other projects.
If you sent in a proposal in the last month or so, you’ll be hearing from us soon, hopefully this week.
Some of you may receive dates in the near future but if it’s too short-notice we’ll find something else!
I’ll be posting on IG about last minute openings for October so if you see that and you’ve already sent in a form just lmk.

As for the rest of you: books are open til the end of Autumn. I’ll be booking out until the solstice and then closing so you will receive an appointment sometime between now and then.
As much as I love doing geologic hole-scapes on people, I would really like to explore my Assembly series more before the year is up, or just more industrial themes. More machine rot and rust encroachment. More coverage. Send me fucked reference imagery to work off of. Very down to include more shaded figurative work, as i have in recent works.



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As always, you can email me with any questions! Happy to chat about potential ideas etc.

Thank u all,